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Friday, November 18, 2005

Vega Speaking to Kappa

Its been a long time and i apologize. The reason is two fold - First is ill-health. My hiccups went on for a week, got me worried and finally doctors had to use nuclear bombs to get rid of it. By the time i recovered, ISB - 5 course fifth term got me busy. I am desperately trying to make ends meet but there seems to be little hope. I have been sleeping at 3 AM for the last 5 days and there seems to be no respite till next thursday when the options final would put an end to this term. Things dont get easy then also..The PAEV business plan needs to be submitted in a couple of days after the exam and i am sure i will be busy throughout the minute term break we have this time.

Somehow i have gone from bad to worse in managing my stuff, and i am yet to start studying for the finals! Assignment submissions are going on and on...the last one is due on monday and i have one due tomorrow too....So much for excuses for not blogging :-)

Consumer Behaviour course has been a revelation. Associative interference seems to be a having better logic than the earlier limbic system and trauma transforms. It actually helps you to explain on why some people are more intelligent than others...fascinating stuff get revealed only as and when the exams are nearing!!


div_viv said...

Visiting after a long time... I know I am very late, but still, Belated wishes for a Very Happy Birthday! Better still, have a great year ahead!

By the way, why don't u turn on word verification for comments? Go to Settings -> Comments -> and choose Yes for "Show word verification for comments? "

Anonymous said...


I actually tried using the arousal principleof attention right before the COBE exam....played a video game on my laptop....i think it did help me to concentrate!!!!

share more such instances

Giks said...

There you go, i am happy to see one more fellow impressed with the COBE fundas. I shall be only happy to post more applications of COBE if it interests all of you!